
Basil Coconut Ice Cream


Basil and coconut work together not just in curries and savoury dishes! In this ice cream, fresh basil and coconut milk are blended into a refreshing treat that will beat any tropical heat. You can easily make this artisan ice cream at home with an ice cream maker, which will yield the best results.



Makes ½ litre
  • 200ml coconut milk
  • 200ml whipping cream
  • 25g fresh basil
  • 5 egg yolks
  • ¼ cup + 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp light corn syrup


  • Remove basil leaves from stalks, give them a rough chop and add them into a saucepot with coconut milk and whipping cream.
  • Over low heat, bring milk and cream to a simmer and then remove from heat. Set aside and let basil steep for 30 minutes.
  • With an immersion blender, blend the mixture together until it turns light green
  • Pass mixture through a fine sieve to remove the herbs, then return mixture to a pot.
  • Add ¼ cup sugar and corn syrup and bring mixture to a simmer over low heat again
  • In another bowl, whisk egg yolks together with 1 tbsp sugar, then keep whisking while adding a little basil mixture at a time to temper the eggs. When all the basil mixture has been added to the egg yolks, transfer the whole mixture into the pot again.
  • Stir continuously over low heat, until the mixture reaches 82oC/180oF
  • Remove immediately from heat and pour into a bowl set in an ice-bath to cool down.
  • When cool, clingwrap the top of the bowl and chill mixture overnight
  • The next day, remove from the refrigerator and give the mixture a stir before churning it in an ice-cream maker.
  • Freeze churned ice-cream for 3-4 hours before serving.


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